Monday, November 26, 2007

Texas A&M Welcomes the Sherman-ator

Well, it's official. Texas A&M has hired a new coach.

It's Mike Sherman

Boy, that took all of 3 days. I bet they were really debating whether or not to keep Fran for a while there. Is it me, or is Mike Sherman not a name that scares you as a Texas fan? I mean, he's been an NFL head coach and he is an Aggie, but it's not a name that strikes fear. If you listened to Aggies over the past few weeks, you would have heard the names Jimmy Johnson, Tommy Tubberville, Steve Spurrier and the ghost of Vince Lombardi.

But, to me Mike Sherman is a name the will excite old, white former Aggies (mostly because he is, himself, an old, white former Aggie). But I don't see the "kids" getting too pumped over this hire. I may be wrong, but I doubt the inner-city kids have been clamoring for this hiring.

But I do love this quote:
Sherman called the program "a sleeping giant" and vowed to turn things around.
Seems like EXACTLY what Aggies love to hear and think about themselves. So, until I am proven wrong by a 3rd straight loss to A&M, I will continue to not be concerned with this hiring.

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